Become A Network Partner
We could not achieve our goal of helping hungry individuals and families in New Jersey without our partners. By becoming a FoodBank network partner, your food pantry, soup kitchen, or shelter will gain access to affordable and nutritious food and support to help carry out your program’s mission.
Organizations seeking to become one of our network partners must submit an application and meet basic eligibility requirements, including an on-site visit.
Food Pantry Eligibility Criteria
In order to be a FoodBank network partner, you must
Have a current IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status or have filed an application
Provide food directly to hungry neighbors in the form of meals or food boxes for a minimum of 3 months
Have regular hours and days of operation
Have proper storage space for the safekeeping of food
Must not require any money, property, or services from individuals in exchange for food
Provide service without regard to race, color, religion, age, handicap, sex, or national origin
Yay! You're eligible to be a FoodBank Network Partner!
Become a CFBNJ Network Partner
Complete the CFBNJ Partner Interest Form
Pass an on-site visit
Complete the application
Attend a potential partner 
virtual session
We look forward to speaking with you about your organization and how we can help our hungry neighbors