Free Food & Services

Free Food & Services

Find a food pantry near you and explore the free services that can help you and your family.

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Apply for Food Assistance

Apply for Food Assistance Programs

Get free help applying for Food Assistance Programs and accessing the benefits available to you and your family.

Apply For WIC 

Apply For SNAP

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Job Training

Job Training

Sign up for one of CFBNJ’s free job training programs that can prepare you for a career in the culinary or logistics industries.


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Healthy Recipes

Healthy Recipes

Healthy recipes, cooking videos, and tips are all here. Browse through the info provided by our Nutrition Education team to get the most out of your grocery budget without compromising on nutrition.

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Learn about all the ways to give a monetary gift, including recurring donations, planned gifts, tributes, and more to CFBNJ to lift up our neighbors.

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Explore the many opportunities to volunteer – whether that is packing food with your company, family, and friends at either our Hillside or Egg Harbor Township locations, distributing healthy food at one of our partners, or making phone calls from the comfort of your home.

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Take action to support our advocacy efforts that address the root causes of hunger and learn more about how CFBNJ collaborates with legislators.

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Coordinate a virtual or in-person fundraiser with friends, family, or coworkers.

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Donate Food & Goods

Donate Food & Goods

Over one-third of our food is donated by generous supporters like you. Set up a food or special product drive, join our retail food donation program, and more.

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Make a Corporate Donation

Make a Corporate Donation

Manufacturers, retailers, corporations, and small businesses can donate food, funds, and time.

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Attend a CFBNJ event to show your support and meet other like-minded supporters.

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Opportunities for youth engagement includes fundraising, food drives, and service days.

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Sign Up to Volunteer

Sign Up to Volunteer

Sign up to sort and pack food with your company, family, and friends at either our Hillside or Egg Harbor locations.

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Corporate Groups

Corporate Groups

Use your next company outing to give back to your community.

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Special Volunteer Programs

Special Volunteer Programs

View the opportunities available for regular volunteers to level up their participation at CFBNJ.

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Special Volunteer Programs

Opportunities for youth engagement includes fundraising, food drives, and service days.

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About Us

About Us

Discover how our journey began almost 50 years ago, and how we are committed to ending hunger in New Jersey.

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Our Programs

Learn about what we do to help our neighbors in need.

Learn about what we do to help our neighbors in need.

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How a FoodBank Works

How a FoodBank Works

Understand how food and hygiene supplies get from our two warehouses to your community.

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Meet our executive leadership team and Board of Directors.

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Annual Report & Financials

Annual Report & Financials

Get a clear picture of our finances, how our programs impact the community, and how it all ties together.

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Check out our career opportunities and don’t miss a chance to put your talents to work for a great purpose.

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News & Press

Keep up to date with the latest news about our work to end hunger.

Keep up to date with the latest news about our work to end hunger.

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Our Locations


We have locations in Hillside and Egg Harbor Township, each with their own events and volunteering opportunities.

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Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

Explore the roadmap of the future of CFBNJ and how we plan on helping hungry neighbors going forward.

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Community Partner Spotlight: Meet Keli

Community Partner Spotlight: Meet Keli

Community Partner Spotlight: Meet Keli 1280 550 CFBNJ

Keli Watkins has devoted her entire life to the service of others.

“Every single job I’ve ever had since I started working has been in community service,” she shared.  

She served in the U.S. Army, worked as a youth counselor, supported families at risk of losing their SNAP benefits, helped those coming out of incarceration to reenter society, and managed homes for adults with disabilities.  

“I’m a sixties baby. When I was very, very young, I remember being affected by all the injustice that was going on in the world,” Keli said. Her first dream was to become a judge.

“I was going to fix everything!” she laughed. “I’ve always felt a sense of wanting to help someone who needed help. I definitely see it as a gift.”  

Keli grew up in Franklin Township and seized the opportunity to come back to her hometown when she saw that Franklin Food Bank was hiring. Today, she serves as Franklin Food Bank’s Program Director, managing their market, working with volunteers, and forming strategic partnerships with other local agencies to better serve community members in need.  

Franklin Food Bank is a CFBNJ community partner that operates as a hybrid food bank/food pantry. In addition to serving local families with upwards of 1,700 visits per month to its choice-style market – a bright, cheerful, and bustling place set up to look like a large neighborhood bodega – it also provides food to dozens of other organizations (soup kitchens and food pantries) in the surrounding area. Like CFBNJ, Franklin Food Bank will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2025!  

Keli remembers visiting Franklin Food Bank herself when she needed it more than thirty years ago. When she first got out of the military, she was offered unemployment, but it took some time for the paperwork to be processed. She was in between checks with a baby at home and turned to Franklin Food Bank for support.

Now, she describes making a difference in her own backyard as “heartfelt deep within the soul.” Her favorite part of the day-to-day work is interacting with visitors to the market.  

“I want to thank you for welcoming me,” a neighbor said to Keli one morning. She was touched.  

“We never realize how much a greeting, a handshake, or a smile affects someone. I often tell the volunteers: you never know what a neighbor’s life was like before they came into the market and what they have to deal with when they go back home. Let’s make this at least one place where they feel loved, respected, honored, and cared for.”

She also connects deeply with the wrap-around services that Franklin Food Bank has for a holistic approach to food insecurity. The organization currently provides nutrition education classes and is working towards offering courses on financial literacy, English as a second language, and parenting, too.

Keli believes in an approach that nourishes the whole person and lifts them up towards a better future.  

“If my life is behind the eight ball, I can only see where my sight line is,” she said. “It’s going to take somebody else to just put their hand right up under my chin and say ‘hey – look. What about this shot?’ So, my vision for Franklin Food Bank – and I know that we all share their vision – is for us to work with our neighbors, to encourage our neighbors, to love and embrace our neighbors, and make sure they catch the glimpse of the open pocket.

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