Get ready to make a touchdown for kindness! SOUPER Bowl Saturday in 2024 is our first event at CFBNJ to engage children aged 6+ and families in the act of giving. Join us at our warehouse in Hillside for a two-hour volunteer shift and fun activities while learning about how your hands-on philanthropy and donation can help uplift the lives of our neighbors in need.
Here’s the game plan:
- 9AM – 11AM: First Volunteer Shift
- 11AM – 12PM: Halftime Snacks and Fun Activities
- 12PM – 2PM: Second Volunteer Shift
Let’s huddle up to make a positive impact and show our kids that kindness is a game-changer. RSVP now to secure your spot in our lineup!
AND, start collecting canned soups to support the event’s SOUP Drive! No glass; all items must be new and in original packaging and must contain nutrition facts.