Free Food & Services

Free Food & Services

Find a food pantry near you and explore the free services that can help you and your family.

Summer Feeding Programs for Kids

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Apply for Food Assistance

Apply for Food Assistance Programs

Get free help applying for Food Assistance Programs and accessing the benefits available to you and your family.

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Free Meals for Kids This Summer

Free Meals for Kids This Summer

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Job Training

Job Training

Sign up for one of CFBNJ’s free job training programs that can prepare you for a career in the culinary or logistics industries.


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Healthy Recipes

Healthy Recipes

Healthy recipes, cooking videos, and tips are all here. Browse through the info provided by our Nutrition Education team to get the most out of your grocery budget without compromising on nutrition.

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Learn about all the ways to give a monetary gift, including recurring donations, planned gifts, tributes, and more to CFBNJ to lift up our neighbors.

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Explore the many opportunities to volunteer – whether that is packing food with your company, family, and friends at either our Hillside or Egg Harbor Township locations, distributing healthy food at one of our partners, or making phone calls from the comfort of your home.

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Take action to support our advocacy efforts that address the root causes of hunger and learn more about how CFBNJ collaborates with legislators.

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Coordinate a virtual or in-person fundraiser with friends, family, or coworkers.

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Donate Food & Goods

Donate Food & Goods

Over one-third of our food is donated by generous supporters like you. Set up a food or special product drive, join our retail food donation program, and more.

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Make a Corporate Donation

Make a Corporate Donation

Manufacturers, retailers, corporations, and small businesses can donate food, funds, and time.

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Attend a CFBNJ event to show your support and meet other like-minded supporters.

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Opportunities for youth engagement includes fundraising, food drives, and service days.

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Sign Up to Volunteer

Sign Up to Volunteer

Sign up to sort and pack food with your company, family, and friends at either our Hillside or Egg Harbor locations.

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Corporate Groups

Corporate Groups

Use your next company outing to give back to your community.

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Special Volunteer Programs

Special Volunteer Programs

View the opportunities available for regular volunteers to level up their participation at CFBNJ.

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Special Volunteer Programs

Opportunities for youth engagement includes fundraising, food drives, and service days.

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About Us

About Us

Discover how our journey began almost 50 years ago, and how we are committed to ending hunger in New Jersey.

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Our Programs

Learn about what we do to help our neighbors in need.

Learn about what we do to help our neighbors in need.

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How a FoodBank Works

How a FoodBank Works

Understand how food and hygiene supplies get from our two warehouses to your community.

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Meet our executive leadership team and Board of Directors.

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Annual Report & Financials

Annual Report & Financials

Get a clear picture of our finances, how our programs impact the community, and how it all ties together.

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Check out our career opportunities and don’t miss a chance to put your talents to work for a great purpose.

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News & Press

Keep up to date with the latest news about our work to end hunger.

Keep up to date with the latest news about our work to end hunger.

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Our Locations


We have locations in Hillside and Egg Harbor Township, each with their own events and volunteering opportunities.

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Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

Explore the roadmap of the future of CFBNJ and how we plan on helping hungry neighbors going forward.

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Corporate Partner Spotlight: Walmart

Corporate Partner Spotlight: Walmart

Corporate Partner Spotlight: Walmart 1280 550 CFBNJ

Few companies are more committed to fighting hunger and poverty than Walmart. Feeding America‘s largest corporate donor and a longtime supporter of the FoodBank, they’ve secured millions of meals for neighbors in need nationwide through their grants and cause marketing efforts.

This year, the Community FoodBank of New Jersey is partnering with Feeding America and Walmart on the sixth annual “Fight Hunger. Spark Change.” campaign to raise funds and awareness for those facing hunger. Walmart is celebrating 749 million meals provided to date through the campaign, with hopes of reaching 1 billion meals this year. Supporters can take action to make this possible by donating in-store, online, or by purchasing participating items between April 22 and May 20, 2019.

“As we go into our sixth year of the ‘Fight Hunger. Spark Change’ campaign, it’s exciting to approach the 1 billion mark in terms of charitable meals secured for Feeding America over the life of the program,” said Kathleen McLaughlin, chief sustainability officer for Walmart. “Food insecurity continues to affect communities across the United States. Working with Feeding America, our customers, members, associates and suppliers, Walmart and Sam’s Club aim to be part of the solution.”

As part of the campaign, the FoodBank received a grant to create “Faces of the FoodBank,” a storytelling exhibit that’s been set up in our warehouse, which showcases testimonials from some of the people whose lives have been impacted by our work, including kids, FSTA students, and clients. Now through mid-May, our volunteers and guests will visit the show to learn that the face of hunger isn’t what they think, providing feedback on our comment cards after they’ve viewed it. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to read some of their most insightful responses and see a peek at the exhibit!

“The Community FoodBank of New Jersey is grateful to Walmart for their ongoing generosity and their commitment to being part of the solution to hunger in New Jersey,” said Carlos Rodriguez, President & CEO of the Community FoodBank of New Jersey. “We are especially excited about the storytelling opportunity that this grant provides, allowing us to showcase potent impact stories that prove that the face of hunger is often unexpected.”

Fight Hunger. Spark Change. kicked off at our Egg Harbor Township location on April 23 with volunteers from Kellogg, one of the initiative’s participating retailers.

We also celebrated the campaign in Hillside on April 25 with volunteers from a few of our local Walmart stores, who offered their thoughts on the show and bagged pasta in our clean room.

Though the FoodBank has participated in “Fight Hunger. Spark Change.” since the campaign’s inception, it’s not the only way that Walmart has supported our work. In the past, they’ve also provided grants for Kids Cafes, SNAP Outreach, agency capacity-building, and local grants for both our Hillside and Egg Harbor Township locations.

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