August is National Make a Will Month. Estate planning is a way to pass the spirit of philanthropy on to your family while ensuring financial benefits, and CFBNJ’s Food • Help • Hope Legacy Society members help to guarantee the long-term success of our mission to end food insecurity in New Jersey. Meet three caring supporters who have named CFBNJ as a beneficiary in their wills.
Meet George & Jon
George Flanagan has devoted his entire life to helping others. A New Jersey native, he was born and raised in Elizabeth to a family that struggled to make ends meet. “I think because we had so little when I was a kid, that’s why I enjoy giving so much now,” he said. Read More
Meet Cynthia
Cynthia Wade, a recently retired teacher with a 35-year career, has chosen to include CFBNJ in her estate plan. Her story is a testament to the power of giving and the impact of dedicated educators who witness firsthand the effects of food insecurity on children. Read More
CFBNJ’s planned giving site includes an estate planning kit, sample language for your will, a look at your gift at work, and more!