Period Product Drives
Lack of access to period supplies due to financial limitations is known as period poverty and is widespread among the women and girls we serve. 2 in 5 Americans do not have consistent access to period products. An allied program of the National Diaper Bank Network’s Alliance for Period Supplies, the Period Initiative provides free period products every month to people in need at over 150 of our partner agencies.
CFBNJ’s signature menstrual equity program, the Period Initiative, has provided sustained distribution of monthly period supplies to low-income and sheltered people. Since 2022, CFBNJ’s Women Fighting Hunger has hosted the #GreatBigPeriodProductDrive.
Learn More About Period Poverty
The Lunch and Learn on May 23rd, 2023, can be found below. Distinguished speakers included:
- Jennifer Gaines, Program Director, Alliance for Period Supplies
- Stephanie Abrahams, Director of Advocacy and Community Engagement, NCJW-Essex
- Dr. Thelma Witherspoon, Westminister Christian Center, Atlantic City
- Denyelle Burgess, Impact Programs Manager, CFBNJ
You can also watch last year’s discussion on YouTube.

Host an On-Site #GreatBigPeriodProductDrive
Bring your community together to collect maxi pads and liners. Announce your drive via social media, emails, and notices to your specific group. Use CFBNJ’s Period Product Awareness resources, including sample messages and social media images, to share information about period product drives and educate your family, friends, colleagues, and community about period poverty. We also provide a Period Equity Packing Kit for those who’d like to get the community to together to make up bags containing much- needed supplies.
Start a Virtual Period Product Drive
$25 donated can provide a year’s worth of maxi pads for our neighbors in need. With its enormous purchasing power, CFBNJ can procure more pads per dollar than any individual alone. You can stretch your gift to be more impactful when you host a virtual period product drive. In addition, some people in your community may want to skip the store and choose to support virtually.
Checks are also welcome:
Community FoodBank of New Jersey
31 Evans Terminal
Hillside, NJ 07205
ATTN: Evelyn Chiu (Add Period Product Drive to Memo)

Host a Period Product Drive
Bring your community together and host a period product drive for neighbors in need. Please let us know your delivery timetable so we know when to expect your items. Register your period product drive below: