In response to heightened need in Atlantic City resulting from the pandemic’s effects on casinos and hospitality and tourism businesses, the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (CRDA) helped to fund biweekly contactless distributions of emergency meal kits and supplemental fresh produce to casino workers and Atlantic City residents.
The eighteenth and last of these events was held in June 2021.
“When you go to these distributions and you see the faces of the families that are grateful and happy because they’re getting a quality product—they’re getting produce, they’re getting big boxes of food—there’s a sense of relief,” Rose Farias, Deputy Director of CRDA, tells us.
At each of the distributions, CFBNJ was so grateful to see an undeniable sense of community and teamwork as members of not only CRDA, but also UNITE HERE Local 54, Operating Engineers Local 68, IATSE Local 917, and the Atlantic City Police Department rallied together to help.
“It really shows the extent of the impact that we can make when we all collaborate together around a common goal,” Rose said.